Saturday, 18 May 2019

Session 14: SHINE Awards Ceremony

In our final SHINE session of the year, we held the Awards Ceremony at MTGS to celebrate all of the girls' achievements. Their parents, family members, and staff from our partnership Primary Schools and Merchant Taylors' staff were in attendance. We also welcomed back Children' author, Kate Maryon, who attended the Launch Ceremony in November and who is our SHINE Patron.

The girls were so confident in delivering their speeches which reviewed each of the sessions from this year. They spoke of what they had learnt in each session and the skills that they had acquired. Kate Maryon then presented the girls and Sixth Form Mentors with their certificates of achievement.

We then hosted a buffet in the Dining Room whereby staff and families were able to chat and reflect on the past year. We displayed photographs of all of the sessions which the girls could take home with them as a memento as well as their folders of work. As a surprise, Kate Maryon read a chapter from her novel, 'A Million Angels', and then signed a copy for each of the girls to take home.

Overall, it was a most wonderful and very humbling morning. We have had, yet again, another very successful SHINE year. We look forward to continue working with our Primary Schools in 2019 - 2020.

Miss Ladbrook and Mrs Blunt would like to congratulate all of the girls and to give thanks to the Sixth Form Mentors, teaching staff and support staff for their contribution to the SHINE programme this year.

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Session 13: Preparation for the Awards Ceremony

In this morning's session, the girls worked very hard indeed with the Sixth Form Mentors and Miss Ladbrook and Mrs Blunt in preparing for their Awards Ceremony next Saturday. They began the session by completing an evaluation form where they were able to reflect on the SHINE programme, their experiences and what they had gained from this experience.

The girls them worked together writing their speeches for the Awards Ceremony. They reflected upon each session in respect of what they had learnt and the skills they had acquired. Some lovely speeches were written and, as they had worked so efficiently, there was time towards the end of the session for a complete run-through!

We look forward to seeing you all and your families on Saturday 18th May at the Awards Ceremony. Please can all of the girls be here by 9:45am.